Tiruppur, the renowned textile hub in Tamil Nadu, is set to experience a significant boost in garment exports this financial year, with projections indicating a 20 per cent increase. A. Sakthivel, chairman of the India Knit Fair Association, revealed these optimistic forecasts during a press briefing on Friday in Tiruppur. According to Sakthivel, garment exports from Tiruppur were valued at Rs 33,500 crore in the last fiscal year. This year, the figure is expected to rise to Rs 38,000 crore. Despite ongoing geopolitical tensions, including the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, Tiruppur’s export performance remains robust. Sakthivel noted that recent months have shown a promising upward trend, which he expects to continue. Sakthivel attributed part of this growth to the diversification of yarn sources by local manufacturers, who are now sourcing materials from various regions within India.